“You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with."
I walked into a client's office about four months ago, and that quote by Jim Rohn was hanging on the wall. I couldn't help but to think how true that statement is.
We are still individuals at our core, but the people who we surround ourselves with have a strong impact and play significant roles in our lives. I believe we attract people who either have similar goals to greatness (or whatever your path may be) or complement us in the most perfect of ways.
What is so eye-opening about the observation or quote - whatever you want to call it - is that characteristics, qualities, quirks, language, and habits of the people we spend the most time with in our lives rubs right off on us. That's why it's imperative to have the right people with you. They can either bring out the worst in you or the best in you. Pick the latter.
Whether it's listening to a song over and over and over again that teaches you a thing or two (in addition to the lyrics), even if your vocals aren't that dazzling, or watching a long-standing habit of a friend or family member become your own -- the things that impact you, that rub off, that make you that average should make you better.
I am an individual. You are an individual. But we still have the humanesque opportunity to surround ourselves with a core cadre of people who can add to the zest of life, who offer us something we don't have and allow us to enjoy what we do have even more.
I love that I eat differently (better, healthier and more meaty) because of one of my five. I love that I speak in a different jargon because of one of my five. I love that I don't have to finish sentences because one of my five knows what I'm thinking. I love that one of my five starts using phrases that I use all the time and we both point it out. I love that one of my five helps me to believe that together, we can change the world. I love that one of my five shares the same cheer and happiness for life that I do, which makes life doubly as happy.
So, if you do the math, maybe I have a few more than five, or maybe there are multiple things that resonate in the five with whom I spend my most time. Make sure the complements of your five, six or nine are good ones. Don't let the bad eggs bring you down. Life is too finite to spend it with those who aren't raising you up and who you can't raise up in return.
Typically, I'd say being average doesn't sound that great. It sounds more like mediocre. But if you surround yourself with greatness, there is nothing better than average.
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