Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Elements of Happiness

My mantra of elements of happiness goes like this. I realized that we really do choose happiness - I know there are obstacles that may prevent or make it harder for some than others, but at the end of the day, God puts blessings in our lives every single day that will allow us to enjoy the lives He has given us and thereby, make the lives of those around us better. It's very much about simplicity, and in simplicity, there is bliss.

There are a lot of people who live their lives with clutter. Having the ability to strip away the clutter and just live with purity and simplicity (in my terms - your essential elements of happiness), your world (the universal your) is much freer and easier to live in with a smile on your face. So, my words of wisdom, which I am blessed to realize the importance of every day - are to find your elements of happiness (everyone's are a little different), put them in your life every day, and you'll never go a day unhappy (days may not always be the best, but always happy). I have nine elements. Here they are - to give you an idea of the very, very simple nature of them:

1. God
2. My family
3. My core cadre - this includes a group of team members, friends and mentors/clients - small cadre, not large 
4. Americanos (add a splash - literally like a teaspoon - of heavy whipping cream)
5. Wellness - my form is CrossFit (and sometimes extra sleep!)
6. Telling people's/organizations'/companies' meaningful stories to the world
7. Sports
8. Meat
9. My dog

Find your elements of happiness, put them in your life every day, and you'll live every day happy. It's the best. So simple, and if people just took the time to find theirs and drop these things in their lives - they'd realize life's not so complicated. I love living life every day. And I attribute the smile that gets bigger on my face every day to this discovery. My hope is that everyone in the world sees the blessings that are dropped in their lives every day. I'll preach the happiness mantra 'til the Lord comes to get me.

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